Académie Impact

Therapists Directory
Find an EMI practitioner or an Impact Therapist

Welcome to our International Therapists Directory where you will find trained professionals in your area.

Important notice: The list below comes from professionals who have requested to be part of our reference list after one or more training with our Academy. Impact Academy is not held responsible for services offered. Please advise us of any changes of address or status.

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Province / State / Department
City or postal code
Family name
of the therapist
*Required fields
{{fiche.nom_complet}} - {{liste_titres(fiche, 'titres')}}
Beginning of the practice : {{fiche.debut_pratique}}
Address : {{fiche.adresse.address}}
Target audience : {{liste_titres(fiche, 'public_cible')}}
Attended Training(s) : {{liste_titres(fiche, 'formations_suivies')}}
Spoken language(s) : {{liste_titres(fiche, 'langues_parlees')}}
Distance : {{fiche.distance}} km